There are no levels in Little Legends RPG. Instead, each hero chooses their specific quest. After they’re about halfway through their quest, they gain renown which grants them new abilities. Once they complete their quest (about 2-5 sessions), they retire and become an important NPC with abilities your heroes can call upon in future adventres. This legacy-lite approach can give your playgroup new options as they explore and rebuild Mynia. Otherwise, you can choose when to introduce these NPCs at your leisure. 



When your hero performs a risky action (an action that might fail), the player controlling that hero makes a roll. To make a roll, the player rolls two six-sided dice. This represents the hero attempting that risky action. If at least one die results in a 5 or 6, the hero succeeds!

    That’s it! Heroes do not have any attributes like Strength, Speed, or Charisma to measure their prowess in certain areas nor are you trying to match or exceed a difficulty number. Simply roll some dice and see if it contains at least one 5 or 6.


You may not always roll exactly two dice. If your hero is unprepared or ill-equip for the action they’re attempting, they roll a single die (instead of two). This is called a hard roll and lowers your chance of getting a 5 or 6. 
   Likewise, if your hero has some sort of advantage, like a background related to the action or are receiving help from another hero, they roll three dice. This is called an easy roll and increases your chance of success.
   You will only roll 1, 2 or 3 dice.


If a roll contains a pair of matching numbers (for example: two fours). That hero receives focus. Focus is a currency the heroes can spend to be awesome! Heroes can spend their focus to:

  • CRITICAL: Significantly increase the outcome of any successful action you performed.
  • FLASHBACK: Instead of rolling, tell a brief story about your hero’s past and how it relates to your current action. If you do, the action automatically succeeds.
  • SIGNATURE MOVE: Each hero has a powerful talent that can only be performed by spending focus. 


For each dice that results in a 1, the Crafter (Game Master) receives one bit of trouble. When the Crafter collects enough of these bits, they turn into trouble. The Crafter can spend this trouble to add hardships to the heroes’ adventure. The Crafter might spend this trouble to make combat harder, the story might take an unexpected detour, or a new obstacle might hinder the heroes.

Deck of Cards


Instead of using maps with grids, Little Legends uses adventure cards. Adventure cards are simply illustrations of key features. To build the heroes’ surroundings, the Crafter chooses which adventure cards to use and how they’re connected. Once created, the heroes are free to explore.

Gwen's Camp


While each hero has their own inventory of items, the team of heroes also have shared resources consisting of rations, water, flint, rope, and storage. Each of these resources has a specific benefit.

     The heroes can rest at anytime when exploring. However, when they rest, they deplete one of their shared resources! Since these can only be restored at settlements, long adventures become gradually harder.

Deck of Cards


Each monster fits on a single card complete with combat actions, lore, tactics, and loot.


Each monster has a threat level. The higher the threat level, the more danger they are to the heroes. Threat levels range from fodder (each hero can take on multiple of these easy-to-defeat foes) to legendary (the whole party will need to work together to bring these foes down). The heroes are not restricted to which monsters they can fight and a team of heroes might fight a legendary monster in their first session!